Friday, April 27, 2012

Monsters under the Bed and in the Closet by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

                           Monsters under the Bed and in the Closet by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

When a small child, no adult could immediately erase your fear or convince you that there were no monsters under the bed and/or hidden in your closet(s).

When Mom and/or Dad realized that such was a serious concern they set about helping you conquer those fears. Such may have consisted of them having searched under the bed and in the closet to show and convince you that monsters were not hidden there; they may have remained awake until after you fell asleep; read an extra bedtime story thus having enabled you to fall asleep before they left the room, left your bedroom door slightly ajar and/or left a light or lamp on in your bedroom.

As a child, it was reassuring having caring Parents who with patience took time to set about easing our fears of monsters under the bed, in the closet and elsewhere; such served as a blanket of security and protection until our fear(s) were conquered.  Thanks Dad and Mom for helping us feel secure and protected as we conquered our fear(s) of those monsters under beds and in closets.

Parents we can often get busy and/or preoccupied with the pressures of life and forget or disregard what it is like to be a child. You may attempt to brush off your child’s concerns or fears and in the case of monsters being under the child’s bed and in the closet tell the child there are no monsters, but to the child monsters are very real. Do not disregard or take your child’s fears lightly and leave the child to try and conquer his/her fear(s) alone.

The manner in which you handle those monsters under the bed and in the closet can set a pattern/example as to how your child will address and handle future fears in his/her life.

Note: The above Illustration is by Artist Niks.

A Public Announcement 
                                          Today, April 27, 2012 is National Arbor Day
As a former 4-H Leader, I have fond memories of having planted trees with students on this day. Why not plant a tree; if you do not care to plant one take your child/ren to a park and enjoy playing and sitting under a tree(s). For more information about Arbor Day; research it!
Note: The photo of a tree which accompanies the public announcement of Arbor Day is by P. Jarrod Barron.
Mrs. Dorothy Barron, Founder
Parents Taking Charge in Education

Friday, April 20, 2012

When Competition and the Competitive World becomes too much by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

When Competition and the Competitive World becomes too much by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

Does your child have a hobby? Has your child found something he/she truly enjoys and something at which he or she does very well? The questions are asked because 1) we live in such a competitive society; a society wherein one has to be the greatest and best in and at everything and 2) this continuous pressure to be the best can lead to some extreme adverse situations, conditions and behaviors of all involved.

Take for instance some television Reality Shows; with a number of these shows there can be only one winner, first, the best when in many cases there are clearly more than one winner. In many cases, the person(s) who decides the competitive winner or best may be biased, partial and/or his/her decision(s) flawed. Also, the one to three judges (usual number) attempt to speak for a large audience, which consists of people with different preferences and tastes.

Some of the greatest people in the world were not recognized for their talents, gifted skills and unique abilities by society or the world until long after they were dead; men and women who were Artists, Philosophers, Astronomers, Scientists, etc. In spite of not having received recognition while alive, some lived a fulfilled life while others a life of despair. I would like to think the difference in the two were 1) those who truly enjoyed and realized they were very good at what they did and 2) maintained belief in self and their self-worth and found ways to boost their self-confidence which provided stability to ride out the storms of doubt and moments of despair.

Society and the world are too fickle to put one’s ultimate trust, but if and when one does, have a hobby to sustain one. When competition and the competitive world become too much or too competitive for one; have a hobby. Hobbies can serve as escapes, retreats and continue to be the basis and stepping stone for productive and great opportunities. Our world is broad with a bigger scope and it constantly shifts. I foresee individuals who truly enjoy that which he/she does and does very well being more productive in this large and shifting world.

Parents assist with molding, shaping and nurturing your child, but do not attempt to make a carbon copy of yourself; allow your child to be the unique person he/she was meant to be. Sometimes the discovery of their unique qualities, talents or abilities can begin with a hobby. Does your child have a hobby?

Mrs. Dorothy Barron, Founder

Parents Taking Charge in Education

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Awesome Task of Raising Children by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

               The Awesome Task of Raising Children by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

Raising children is an awesome task even with the assistance of others; it consists of physical, emotional and financial challenges and often consists of a juggling act. A large part of your child’s day is spent at school and at least one-half or more is spent outside the school in your care and as your responsibility.

Often Parents are labeled as being good or bad Parents, such is not perhaps the best terms for describing parents and their parenting skills and styles; they are too extreme, broad and nebulous.  We prefer to use the terms effective and ineffective parenting. There are various Parenting styles and on today we want to look at five and provide a brief overview of each.

·         Effective Parenting - encompass Parents who are well-grounded, responsible, steadfast, but flexible as necessary; they set positive examples through both words and actions and find ways to spend quality and quantity time with their child/ren.

·         Strict, Stern Disciplinarian – this Parenting style revolves around rules and discipline. The Parent can be over-demanding and inflexible. Much of this type parenting style has been handed down from generation to generation and sometimes do not take in consideration the individual needs of the child/ren.

·         Popular - most Parents want their children to not only love them, but like them and think of them as “cool” Parents. However, the popular Parent can go to the extreme and failing at times to exercise good judgment, because being liked and winning their child’s and/or their child’s friend(s) approval are more important.

·         Vacillating - this parenting style is much like the newest fad; here today and gone tomorrow. The vacillating Parent can become easily sidetracked changing parenting styles depending on the most popular or “in” parenting trend.  Often the child does not know what to expect on a regular basis.

·         Ineffective Parenting – life’s situations and/or circumstances overwhelm this Parent to the extent that it seriously impedes or prevents the Parent(s) from effectively parenting his/her child/ren.

This post is not written to judge; we are all in this together.  We encourage Parents to check his/her parenting style; set a foundation; rules and expectations; be a positive example for your child/ren and realize that each child is different and take such into consideration. It is important to tell your child you love him/her, but equally important to show them in ways that they understand.

Mrs. Dorothy Barron, Founder

Parents Taking Charge in Education

Friday, April 6, 2012

Keep Hope Alive in Your Child by Mrs. Dorothy Barron

                 Keep Hope Alive in Your Child by Mrs. Dorothy Barron           

Life is beset with difficult times, disappointments, failures, injustices, sorrows and regrets; such are part of life. Believe it or not; adversities can actually make one stronger. When confronted:

*      Assess the situation

*      Work through both the emotional and other aspects of the situation

*      Find solutions – make the best choice(s)

*      Include your child/ren – depending on age, his/her capabilities and circumstances explain, discuss and get their feedback; do not underestimate your child/ren’s level of perception)

*      Find a silver lining and understand  that the situation can and usually does get better

*      Do not give up hope, faith or belief in one’s self

Parents, you set the tone and example; you teach your child/ren valuable lessons through and by your actions. When you keep hope alive you encourage your child/ren to do the same. Do not dwell on adversity or adverse situations 24/7. Even if it is solely for the child/ren’s sake engage in something different for a brief moment; sometimes you can gain a different perspective by doing so. April is National Kite Month; make or purchase a kite and may I suggest you get your child/ren and Go Fly a Kite! I got mine for the inexpensive purchase price of $2.99. Keep hope alive in your child/ren.

Acknowledgement and thanks to Artist, Niks

Mrs. Dorothy Barron, FounderParents Taking Charge in Education   http://mrsdbarron.blogspot.comTwitter:
