School PTA - PTO Leaders: Being more effective in
your Leadership Role by Mrs. Dorothy Barron
Are you new to the leadership role of a Parent Teacher Association or
Organization? Leading your school’s PTA/PTO requires great responsibility and was
at one time new to each person who held the position. The key to being
effective is to become organized; obtain knowledge of your responsibilities and
set reasonable goals.
Parents Taking Charge in Education was to devote this month
to providing a brief introduction to PTA/PTO Presidents in an effort to assist
you with realizing those things needed to be most effective in your leadership
role; however, we will be taking the next 2-4 weeks off. What I would like to suggest is that you concentrate
on the following subject topics and tips; they can serve as guidelines to help
you begin learning and getting organized, especially if you are a first time
leader. You have the rest of summer to do so. Are you ready?
Your Role as PTA/PTO Leader – preparing self to
lead – basic qualities and needs
You and Your Officers
You and the Principal- Chief School
You and Parents and students
PTA/PTO Presidents, there is a plethora of information which
can assist you with your duties and responsibilities, but can be overwhelming
to new or first time PTA/PTO Presidents. Realize that:
Gaining and becoming confident in your role as
Leader of your Parent-School Organization –starts with acquainting self with
the basics. Remember, you will not learn all that is needed overnight or
without actually functioning in the role.
Communication is very important - establish a
number of methods in which to correspond with all involved sectors and do so.
Devising a written Plan in advance with a budget
along with a Plan of Action that is executable, allows for flexibility and to
which changes can be incorporated if needed are instrumental to accomplishing
the goal and achieving success.
Becoming comfortable with your role, having knowledge of the
basics and an actionable plan can assist you with building your confidence and
others having confidence in you. Having a plan and plan of action will make it
easier for all to work together in accomplishing that which can positively
serve your Parents, Educators, students and the community. Your PTA/PTO and local school are separate
entities with a common goal – helping students and children achieve and succeed.
Dorothy Barron, Founder